213-37 39th Ave., #284   Bayside, New York   11361-2071
Ph: (718) 225-3261

Repped Artists


Detective 27

Aldo De Amicis

Arnaldo (Aldo) De Amicis was a Roman graphic designer and illustrator, who made comic serials for the Italian magazine Il Vittorioso in the 1940s.

De Amicis was born in Rome in 1903 and after graduating in accounting, he found a job with the Roman transport company ATAC. He later engaged full time in professional graphic design, working for Il Vittorioso, a weekly comic magazine of the Catholic Action. His illustrations appeared alongside those of important artists like Kurt CaesarFranco CaprioliSebastiano CraveriVittorio CossioRaffaele Paparella and Antonio Canale. Throughout the 1940s, he produced a great many historical adventure stories, including 'Pietro Micca', 'Il Terreno Minato', 'Campo de' Fiori', 'La Valle della Solitudine', 'Il Grande Circo', 'Una Madre Ritorna', 'L'Angelo Azzurro', 'Fiamme a San Francisco', 'Carovana verso il Sud', 'L'Amore è una Cosa Meravigliosa', 'Fanfan la Tulipe', 'Appuntamento a Ischia', 'Rocce insanguinate', 'La Gloriosa Avventura' and 'Destino sull'asfalto'. After living in France for a long period, De Amicis returned to Rome, where he passed away in 1978.

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