213-37 39th Ave., #284   Bayside, New York   11361-2071
Ph: (718) 225-3261

Action Comics

Curt Swan (penciller)


Giant-Size Kung Fu Bible Stories

Bruce Timm (inker)



Bernie Wrightson (all)



Michael Cho (all)



Erik Larsen (all)


Detective Comics

Jim Lee (penciller)
Scott Williams (inker)


Sample of Smaller commission

Jim Lee (all)





Click here to see the latest updates!         

The trade gallery is now open!

In 2007 we had some artwork stolen from us at the Chicago Comicon. Click Here for more information.

This site features a wide selection of quality one of a kind original artwork from the drawing boards of your favorite artists in comic books, comic strips and more for sale or trade. Ranging from the earliest years of the artform in the 20th century to present day, the original artwork on this site has pop icons from every era with prices that appeal to the first time buyer and the experienced collector.

Albert Moy is also the original artwork sales representative for some of the greatest comic book artists in the industry today. Albert is entrusted by Jim Lee, Bruce Timm, Sam Kieth, Jae Lee, The estate of John Cassaday, The Estate of Darwyn Cooke, J Bone, Erik Larsen, Peter Snejbjerg, Scott Williams, Michael T. Gilbert, Sandu Florea, Michael Cho, Mario Foccillo, Liam Sharp, J.M. Dragunas, Rafael Kayanan, Dustin Weaver, Karl Kerschel, Andy Belanger and Jim Mahfood to bring their artwork to fans and collectors.

Albert has been in the hobby of collecting and selling comic book artwork since 1984 and his wealth of knowledge is known throughout the hobby to help you acquire that unique piece for your collection.  Albert's knowledge can also help you get the best price for your collection if you ever want to consign your art.  Not only does he have an online presence, but he also takes and displays the artwork at major comic conventions throughout North America.

The artwork for sale and trade on this site is representative of just a small fraction of the artwork Albert collects. If you have original artwork to sell or trade please email me at albertmoy@aol.com or call (718) 225-3261 between 1pm and 11pm EST.

2025 Convention Schedule is Here!

OAX Orlando Florida 1-25th to 26th, Limited art so please request items

Graphfix Con New York 5-4, Limited items.

Lake Como Art show in Italy 5-24th to 25th, Limited art so request items you are interested in.

SDCC August 23 to 27th

NYCC October 9th to 12th




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