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Ph: (718) 225-3261

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43 results found.       Showing 43 artwork results for page 1 of 1

  Title Artist Issue Page Media Type Art Type Price
Batman: Hush 2 NEW Jim Lee (penciller)
Scott Williams (inker)
158 2 and 3 Pencil and Ink Double Page Spread $25000
Gen13 Ordinary Heroes Mini Series NEW Adam Hughes (all)
2 19 and 20 Pencil and Ink Double Page Spread $4500
Savage Dragon Erik Larsen (all)
119 2 and 3 Pencil and Ink Double Page Spread $2500
Batman/The Maxx: Arkham Dreams Sam Kieth (all)
4 14 and 15 Pencil and Ink Double Page Spread $5000
Batman/The Maxx: Arkham Dreams Sam Kieth (all)
5 16 and 17 Mixed Media Double Page Spread $3500
Superman/ Batman Annual Ed McGuinness (penciller)
1 Double pager Pencil and Ink Double Page Spread $3500
Look In John Bolton (all)
14 24 and 25 Mixed Media Double Page Spread $3800
Batman Universe Nick Derington (all)
10 8 and 9 Pencil and Ink Double Page Spread $800
Uncanny Inhumans Carlos Pacheco (all)
13 3 and 4 Pencil Double Page Spread $850
Green Lantern Liam Sharp (all)
1 10 and 11 Pencil and Ink Double Page Spread $800
Turok Rafael Kayanan (all)
2 2 and 3 Pencil and Ink Double Page Spread $600
Superman vs Ali Neal Adams (penciller)
Dick Giordano (inker)
60 and 61 Pencil and Ink Double Page Spread $70,000
2000AD- Dan Dare Dave Gibbons (penciller)
Brian Bolland (inker)
Pencil and Ink Double Page Spread $15,000
Batman Tony Daniel (penciller)
696 2 and 3 Pencil and Ink Double Page Spread $2500
Superman and Wonder Woman Tony Daniel (penciller)
9 8 and 9 Pencil and Ink Double Page Spread $900
J.S.A. Peter Snejbjerg (all)
29 2 and 3 Pencil and Ink Double Page Spread $400
Hulk Ed McGuinness (penciller)
6 8 and 7 Pencil and Ink Double Page Spread $1500
Multiversity Pax Americana Frank Quitely (all)
32 and 33 Pencil Double Page Spread $18,000
Batman: Monster men Matt Wagner (all)
4 2 and 3 Pencil and Ink Double Page Spread $2000
Buckler and Adams DC Special Rich Buckler (penciller)
Neal Adams (inker)
Joe Rubinstein (inker)
27 2 and 3 Pencil and Ink Double Page Spread $5000
Shining Knight Simone Bianchi (all)
4 12 and 13 Mixed Media Double Page Spread $750
Batman Shadow Riley Rossmo (all)
4 4 and 5 Pencil and Ink Double Page Spread $1000
Hawkman Byran Hitch (penciller)
6 4 and 5 Pencil and Ink Double Page Spread $1500
Batman 100 page Giant Nick Derington (all)
7 10 and 11 Pencil and Ink Double Page Spread $1300
Wonder Woman Liam Sharp (all)
25 2 and 3 Pencil and Ink Double Page Spread $1000
Wonder Woman Liam Sharp (all)
9 6 and 7 Pencil and Ink Double Page Spread $1500
Spawn Erik Larsen (all)
259 10 and 11 Pencil and Ink Double Page Spread $2000
Spawn Erik Larsen (all)
258 2 and 3 Pencil and Ink Double Page Spread $1000
Shakespeare Shaken anthology Matthew Fletcher (all)
5 and 6 Pencil and Ink Double Page Spread $100
Deathstroke Tony Daniel (penciller)
Sandu Florea (inker)
2 2 and 3 Pencil and Ink Double Page Spread $650
Batman/Superman Annual Jae Lee (all)
1 4 and 5 Pencil Double Page Spread $950
Detective Comics Tony Daniel (penciller)
Sandu Florea (inker)
5 2 and 3 Pencil and Ink Double Page Spread $900.00 720.00
Detective Comics Tony Daniel (penciller)
Sandu Florea (inker)
7 4 and 5 Pencil and Ink Double Page Spread $1,000.00 800.00
Just Imagine Crisis John Cassaday (all)
1 40 & 41 Pencil and Ink Double Page Spread $650
Showcase Joe Kubert (all)
85 12 and 13 Pencil and Ink Double Page Spread $5500
Dark Towers: Battle of Jericho Hill Jae Lee (all)
5 19 amd 20 Pencil and Ink Double Page Spread $800
Dark Towers: Battle of Jericho Hill Jae Lee (all)
5 15 and 16 Pencil Double Page Spread $600
Dark Towers: Battle of Jericho Hill Jae Lee (all)
3 9 and 10 Pencil Double Page Spread $900
Dark Towers: Battle of Jericho Hill Jae Lee (all)
1 1 and 2 Pencil Double Page Spread $600
Dark Towers: Battle of Jericho Hill Jae Lee (all)
1 7 and 8 Pencil and Ink Double Page Spread $500
Dark Tower: The Long Road Home Jae Lee (penciller)
1 9 and 10 Pencil and Ink Double Page Spread $1500
Captain America: Fallen Son John Cassaday (all)
5 16&17 Pencil and Ink Double Page Spread $2500
Dark Tower Gunslinger Born Jae Lee (penciller)
3 6 and 7 Pencil Double Page Spread $2000

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