213-37 39th Ave., #284   Bayside, New York   11361-2071
Ph: (718) 225-3261

Repped Artists

Murphy Anderson

The Murphy Anderson finishing touch solidified definitive works by legends such as Gil Kane, Carmine Infantino, and Curt Swan. His consistency made it possible to have a house style for the various titles in the DC line. Anderson's own pen and ink graced the pages of Hawkman and Atomic Knights during the Silver Age. It showed off his wonderful figurework and exceptional storytelling abilities that is both enthralling and entertaining to behold.

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18 results found.       Showing 18 pieces for page 1 of 1

Issue: 207
Page: 3

Issue: 207
Page: 10

Issue: 61
Page: 4

World Finest
Issue: 244
Page: 12

Issue: 409
Page: 16

Issue: 409
Page: 19

Justice League of America
Issue: 55
Page: Cover
On Hold

Justice League of America
Issue: 53
Page: Cover

Mystery in Space
Issue: 90
Page: 13

Brave and the Bold
Issue: 61
Page: 6

Brave and the Bold
Issue: 61
Page: 7

Brave and the Bold
Issue: 61
Page: 8

Brave and the Bold
Issue: 61
Page: 5

Jimmy Olsen
Issue: 124
Page: cover

Issue: 10
Page: 1

Issue: 244
Page: 12

Strange Adventures
Issue: 150
Page: 29
18 results found.       Showing 18 pieces for page 1 of 1

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