213-37 39th Ave., #284   Bayside, New York   11361-2071
Ph: (718) 225-3261

Repped Artists

Travis Charest

Noted for heightened design and detail, Travis Charest artwork is highly sought after by comic art fans. It may not even be possible to show the immense detail on the printed comic page or scan. Only upon closer examination of the original can one appreciate how every line is drawn with a controlled discipline. Charest's extraordinary effort in producing some of the most meticulous pieces of comic art today has won raves from pros and fans alike.

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27 results found.       Showing 27 pieces for page 1 of 1

Issue: 1
Page: pin up

Wildcats and X-Men Prime
Issue: 1
Page: 36


Batman Catwoman
Issue: 12
Page: Cover

Batman Catwoman
Issue: 8
Page: Wraparound cover


X-Men Red
Issue: 6
Page: Cover

Star Wars Legacy
Issue: 19
Page: Cover

Batman Catwoman
Issue: 4
Page: Cover

Catwoman 80th anniversary
Page: cover

Superior Spiderman Vol.2
Issue: 2
Page: cover

Black Widow
Issue: 1
Page: cover

Page: unused cover

The Superior Octopus
Issue: 1
Page: Cover

Avangelyne Card
On Hold

Sketch Page
Page: 1

Sketch Page
Page: 2

X-Men Red
Issue: 3
Page: Cover

Issue: 7
Page: 11
27 results found.       Showing 27 pieces for page 1 of 1

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