213-37 39th Ave., #284   Bayside, New York   11361-2071
Ph: (718) 225-3261

Repped Artists


Teen Titans: Year One

World Finest

John Carter: Warlord of Mars

Darwyn Cooke

Darwyn Cooke took the Bruce Timm style to new frontiers. Cooke projected a boundless energy, noir grittiness, and raw emotion akin to Joe Kubert's art onto the style. Cooke used more angled lines that are broader and rougher to allow for greater exaggerated expressiveness. Shadows are extensively used to project the attitude of the piece. Cooke also instilled an intangible sense of wonder and imagination onto each piece that is completely his own.  A consumate professional, he was no nonsense when at work, but anyone who has ever waited in line for him at a convention will attest that he took great care to be as accommodating as possible to the fans.  He shared your enthusiasm for the projects and was genuine in every way.  These are some of the final pieces he left behind for his estate to be offered.    

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60 results found.       Showing 10 pieces for page 2 of 2

Last Resort
Issue: 3
Page: 258

Lorna: Relic Wrangler
Issue: 1
Page: Cover

The Killing
Page: 250

Page: 231

Witchblade Animated
Page: 11

Witchblade Animated
Page: 17

Witchblade Animated
Page: 10

Witchblade Animated
Page: 16

Witchblade Animated
Page: 20

Witchblade Animated
Page: 19
60 results found.       Showing 10 pieces for page 2 of 2

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