213-37 39th Ave., #284   Bayside, New York   11361-2071
Ph: (718) 225-3261

Repped Artists

Paul Gulacy

Paul Gulacy accentuates the solid foundations of his design and composition talent with great attention toward rendering the anatomy of figures. He uses lines and shadows to delineate the musculatures and poses the characters to give the overall design a balance with points of focus for the viewer. Always innovative and exciting to behold, Gulacy's artwork assaults the status quo by blending the best of illustrative figurework and graphic design for maximum effect.

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5 results found.       Showing 5 pieces for page 1 of 1

G.I. Joe Special Missions
Issue: 3
Page: Cover

Master of Kung Fu
Issue: 47
Page: 1

Master of Kung Fu
Issue: 43
Page: 23

Giant Size Master of Kung Fu
Issue: 2
Page: 26

Master of Kung Fu
Issue: 42
Page: 22
5 results found.       Showing 5 pieces for page 1 of 1

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